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earth tu face is changing the face of beauty

1. Tell us about the inspiration that prompted the start of Earth tu face?

Earth Tu Face was inspired by plants and their striking ability to heal and bring balance. The products were also inspired by nature. In nature nothing is wasted, instead everything feeds another living being and a beautiful tapestry is created. The line was started in a kitchen by an herbalist in 2009 in order to create unique blends that come straight from the earth and return to the earth creating beauty along the way. 

Functionally we created a line because there weren’t products that were alcohol, synthetic, paraben, and allergen free that actually worked to transform skin for the better. And we wanted said products to be in harmony with the earth. 

2. How does Earth tu face contribute to the betterment of society?

We try to better society through every product we create, how we create it and how it is used. We also donate to causes we believe in whenever possible. Past donation organizations have included: The Center for Biological Diversity, Woman’s Voices for the Earth, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and others. Coming up we are doing a big initiative with Daughters Rising. That said, in order to change society we believe we have to change our daily practices, and we have to change the way that capitalism leaves a multitude of problems in it’s wake. We try to create items that are fair to all of the people who touch them along their journey to the consumer and ones which do no harm to their earth in their creation or use. When you make something that accomplished those plus works for the beings using them it is a win-win. (We also speak out and take stands on social issues).

3. As the market continues to invite competition, even in the sustainability and social responsibility space, where do you see Earth Tu Face fitting into the ecosystem in the next 5-10 years?

Earth Tu Face is slow beauty and we take our cues from nature. We feel by having sustainability woven into the fabric of our products and packaging that we are ahead of the market and we hope to see the market continue to head in the direction of responsibility and transparency. We would love to see the sustainable sector become more crowded actually. We hope more companies go beyond just green beauty and into full accountability of what what they produce in terms of ingredients and packaging. For our part we are always looking to innovate further and bring people products that they can vote with their dollar on. 

4. What are your most popular products? 

Well until recently we thought our most popular products were our Skin Stick, Face Wash, Honey Mask and Face Balm. But according to our analytics our Face Balm blows them all out of the water. It is actually the first product I formulated and it is just a magical powerhouse of botanicals that completely change the skin. It is must have in colder and dryer months or climates but it’s the hydrator that I always travel with. Immortelle, Sandalwood, and Rose take on so many issues and together with our nourishing oils they protect skin from the elements and feel amazing.

5. What truly differentiates your products from the other beauty products in the market?

We grow our own flowers! But also, we blend products and select packaging to be good for the person using them and the planet at large. What we put on our skin quickly absorbs into our bodies so we source healing botanicals that benefit multiple systems in our bodies (aromatherapy rocks!). We believe in the power of nature to provide the best materials for our skin. And we believe we can restore harmony to the earth through responsible sourcing. This means a lot of thought has gone into every aspect of the line from each ingredient to every package. It is intentional beauty.

6. What is your definition of beauty? 

To me beauty is laughter, it is inner peace, it is being in harmony with the cycles of time. Beauty is feeling comfortable with yourself, your baggage, your life, and projecting honesty and goodness. Ideas of what is beautiful should evolve with time. Today beauty to me is getting a good laugh and a decent night of sleep but that may be because I just had a baby. 

Thank you so much for sharing your story with Sustainable Inc.! For more information about Earth Tu Face, please visit their website here:

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